mercredi 5 août 2020

Do You Still Need Loan for your Projects

Good Day Sir,
Our Group have the financial capability to finance any investment portfolio as far as is genuine, all we need is a capable business partner that possesses investment strategies for profitable business information for good turn over within 10-30years. Our Partners are willing to invest 10million — 5billon USD. We can provide proof of funds on demand, after certification of your documents/details. Please write me back if you can work with me on this project. Thank You,
Best Regards
PAUL Vinus

samedi 11 juillet 2020

Chánge your pássword ímmediátely. Your áccount hás been hácked.


Í háve bád news for you.
14/03/2020 - on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system ánd got full áccess to your áccount

Ít ís useless to chánge the pássword, my málwáre íntercepts ít every tíme.

How ít wás:
Ín the softwáre of the router to whích you were connected thát dáy, there wás á vulnerábílíty.
Í fírst hácked thís router ánd pláced my málícíous code on ít.
When you entered ín the ínternet, my troján wás ínstálled on the operátíng system of your devíce.

Äfter thát, Í máde á full dump of your dísk (Í háve áll your áddress book, hístory of víewíng sítes, áll fíles, phone numbers ánd áddresses of áll your contácts).

Ä month ágo, Í wánted to lock your devíce ánd ásk for á smáll ámount of money to unlock.
But Í looked át the sítes thát you regulárly vísít, ánd cáme to the bíg delíght of your fávoríte resources.
Í'm tálkíng ábout sítes for ádults.

Í wánt to sáy - you áre á bíg pervert. You háve unbrídled fántásy!

Äfter thát, án ídeá cáme to my mínd.
Í máde á screenshot of the íntímáte websíte where you háve fun (how díd you másturbáte).
Äfter thát, í took off your joys (usíng the cámerá of your devíce). Ít turned out beáutífully, do not hesítáte.

Í ám strongly belíve thát you would not líke to show these píctures to your relátíves, fríends or colleágues.
Í thínk $968 ís á very smáll ámount for my sílence.
Besídes, Í spent á lot of tíme on you!

Í áccept money only ín Bítcoíns.
My BTC wállet: 1CRKWJcwVofS7HqP4UnezYFTWv1g4sKYqb

You do not know how to replenísh á Bítcoín wállet?
Ín ány seárch engíne wríte "how to send money to btc wállet".
Ít's eásíer thán send money to á credít cárd!

For páyment you háve á líttle more thán two dáys (exáctly 50 hours).
Do not worry, the tímer wíll stárt át the moment when you open thís letter. Yes, yes .. ít hás álreády stárted!

Äfter páyment, my vírus ánd dírty photos wíth you self-destruct áutomátícálly.
Nárrátíve, íf í do not receíve the specífíed ámount from you, then your devíce wíll be blocked, ánd áll your contácts wíll receíve á photos wíth your "joys".

Í wánt you to be prudent.
- Do not try to fínd and destroy my vírus! (áll your dátá ís álreády uploáded to á remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (thís ís not feásíble, sender áddress generáted áutomátícálly)
- Váríous securíty servíces wíll not help you; formáttíng á dísk or destroyíng á devíce wíll not help eíther, sínce your dátá ís álreády on á remote server.

P.S. Í guárántee you thát Í wíll not dísturb you ágáín áfter páyment, ás you áre not my síngle víctím.
Thís ís á hácker code of honor.

From now on, Í ádvíse you to use good ántívíruses ánd updáte them regulárly (severál tímes á dáy)!

Don't be mád at me, everyone hás theír own work.


lundi 18 mai 2020

LDRLOTTO 2020....Claims Code..89773433

REG NO: 1371841

Dear Esteem Winner: ,

You have emerged a winner of 850,000.00 USD in our recent LDR Lottery.
Kindly send your contacts to
*Full Names
*Residential Address

In case you still have doubts arising from the angle of how you got selected, Note that the selection process was carried out through an electronic email ballot system our aim was to select winners through the Internet this is due to the fact that only you alone have access to your email account so have no fear for you have emerged a true winner as far as you are the original proprietor to the email account which you have received the Winning notification letter as distributed by LDR Lottery.


Mr.Anthony Kananga
Claims & Remittance Director
Long Distance Relationship Lottery

lundi 27 avril 2020

Investment Proposal!!!


Good day and how are you doing?

I am a private Investment Broker and I represent some private but large bulk investors based in the Gulf Region, we are currently expanding our investment portfolio outside of the gulf region in the following sectors, Oil/Gas, construction, Real Estate, Stock Speculation and Mining, Transportation, Health Sector and Tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture Forestry & Fishing ETC.

We are ready to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating 3-5% annual return on investment (AROI) Joint Venture partnership and hard loan funding can also be considered.

I am available to discuss this proposal with you and to answer any questions you may have in regard to this investment.

Thanks for your kind understanding.

Dr. Kenneth Ford
Regional Consultant

lundi 23 mars 2020

Beware medlaroussy.people Last Reminder

Hello medlaroussy.people

This Information memo has been delivered to you three times without a response from you and this will be the last time and I do hope you receive it.
This inquiry is about an account holder,who died and has no successor over his fund with the bank. T he essence of this communication with you is to request your willingness to accept this inheritance left behind by my client if you are legally and legitimately appointed.

You must appreciate that i am constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point.Upon your response, I will give you more detailed information on the deceased client and the process of nominating you to inherit his wealth. Send your comments with your full names and your telephone number to enable us discuss.

Yours faithfully,
David Churchill

samedi 14 mars 2020


Dear Seller,

We are diversifying into a new product line that is manufactured by your company and we are interested in placing a bulk order with your company.Please get back to us with the following below.

*Product Catalog
*Specification of Product

Best Regards


Arcor Group.

Avenida Fulvio Salvador Pagani 487 
Arroyito, CORDOBA, X2434DNE  Argentina